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Terms of Use
This website, social media links and content of both are intended to provide general information about us (“SCLG”). Nothing herein or in social media should be construed as legal advice or be relied upon for any purpose, nor does it constitute an offer or agreement to represent you or create an attorney-client relationship. E-mails through this website or messages through social media sent to SCLG, their lawyers, members, professionals or staff will not create an attorney-client relationship and will not be confidential. An attorney-client relationship is not created until conflicts are cleared, SCLG has accepted the engagement and you have executed an Engagement Letter. No other action will create an attorney-client relationship.
Do not transmit any confidential or sensitive information via this website or social media. Information and documents sent via this website or social media will not be treated as confidential, secret or protected.
SCLG makes no warranties, representations or claims with respect to any information on this website or on social media. While we attempt to maintain current information, we cannot guarantee the currency, completeness, accuracy or applicability of any information. SCLG expressly denies any responsibility or liability for damages which may result from your access to or use of information on this website or in social media.
Links within this website or on social media may lead you to third-party sites, which we provide solely for your convenience. SCLG has no control or responsibility over these websites, or their policies, content, or information maintained therein. Links to other sites do not constitute an endorsement or approval of them or content contained therein. By going to a third-party site you assume any risk of doing so and will be subject to the terms, conditions of use, privacy and other policies of the third-party site.
Do not send unsolicited emails for services or products to any email contained on this website.
It is a violation of these Terms of Use to interfere with the content or functioning of this web site. The materials on this website are copyrighted and owned by SCLG or the creator, and may not be used without the advance written permission of SCLG. For permission to use any materials on this website for any purpose please contact Walter Steimel, 1455 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20004, or
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